

Author roles allow Owners and Administrators to set the level of engagement for every writer in the team.

Role access and permissions


The Admin role has permission to access every area besides Payments and Newsletter Credits.


The Editor role has permission to access every area besides Settings and Payments. They can send out Newsletters. However, they cannot remove subscribers or purchase Newsletter Credits.


The Writer role has permission to access only Posts and Categories—their own and others.


The contributor role can access only Posts they have created.

Role Settings Authors Newsletter Posts Categories Pages
Editor 👤
Writer 👤
Contributor 👤 ✏️

👤 = can only view and edit their own author profile
✏️ = can only view and edit their own posts (cannot publish)

Additional notes

Admin: Can invite and remove authors and transfer posts between them.

Writer: Can create categories but cannot delete them.

Contributor: Cannot — publish, unpublish, delete a post, or access "Post Settings"

Newsletters: Only Admin and Editor can send out Newsletters.

Trash: Only Admin has access to the Trash.