Theme Customizations

blogstatic DesignStudio

Settings > blogstatic DesignStudio

The blogstatic DesignStudio is a customization tool that lets you change the styles and fonts of any theme on blogstatic. It's particularly helpful if your aim is for your blogstatic blog to match the styles of your existing website.

It consists of three parts:

  • Theme
  • Colors
  • Fonts

This feature, in its full capabilities, is available on the Expert Plan and above. Under the Starter Plan, only changes to the Theme section will be published on the live blog.

When customizing your blog, the new styles and fonts will not reflect on your blog until these customizations are published.

Screenshot of a user interface for the blogstatic DesignStudio. The top navigation shows the title blogstatic in pink followed by DesignStudio in black with two pink sparkle icons. Below the title, there are three tabs labeled Theme, Colors, and Fonts, with the Colors tab selected. At the bottom, there is a toggle switch for Light Mode and Dark Mode, with Light Mode currently selected.
blogstatic DesignStudio main menu

Also, all adjustments are interchangeable between themes. Setting these customizations on one theme will make them available to any other theme you choose to switch to down the line.

Read here about the story behind blogstatic DesignStudio and how it came to be.

Below is a video if you prefer a visual guide instead.

A quick video on how blogstatic DesignStudio works

And here's a longer 11-minute version of the video above that covers every detail.

Otherwise continue with the written description of every section.


The "Theme" section allows you to switch between themes, set the default mode (light, dark, or system) of your blog, upload your blog's logo, and set any other elements (depending on the chosen theme) such as the cover photo, hero section titles, and descriptions, as well as any third-party scripts if the selected theme allows it.

Screenshot of a user interface for Theme Elements. The title Theme Elements is in blue, with the subtitle Elements specific to your chosen theme in gray. There is a section labeled BLOG LOGO with text Top sometimes in the footer in pink. Below this is a blue Upload button and text Max size 5MB jpg/png/gif in gray. Another section labeled BLOG NAME has text Next to the logo sometimes in the footer in pink, followed by a text input box containing the text Cake! with a cake emoji.
Theme elements controls

Temporary Content

In this section, you can choose to temporarily populate your blog with placeholder content, which is helpful when creating a blog and you want to see how it will potentially look when filled with content.

Screenshot of a user interface element with a toggle switch. The text Temporarily populate your blog with placeholder content is in pink. There is a green toggle switch on the left, indicating that the feature is currently enabled. The background of the section is a light yellow color.
Toggle for temporary placeholder content


The "Colors" section gives you the ability to change the colors (and sometimes various border sizes and widths) of all elements on your blog.

Through built-in color pickers and sliders, you can assign various colors and values to your blog.

This section is divided into two parts:

  • The "Flairs" section, allows you to select any pre-made styles
  • The "Custom Modifications" section, gives you the ability to modify the colors and other values of any single element on your blog.


The "Flairs" section provides you with a ready–made color scheme, with preset styles for both modes, light and dark.

Screenshot of a user interface section titled FLAIR in blue, with the subtitle Use any pre-created flair that fits your taste in pink. There are four flair options displayed in gray boxes. Each box contains color swatches and a label: Verdant Grove with green shades, Autumn Ember with orange and brown shades, Ocean Breeze with blue shades, and Mono Mystique with monochromatic shades.
Ready–made "Flairs"

Custom Modifications

This section is for those of us who want more control over how every element on our blog will look, whereas the "Flairs" section gives us the ability to quickly assign ready–made styles.

Furthermore, this section is divided into two parts:

  • Fast
  • Detailed


The "Fast" section gives you the ability to quickly adjust a few components that affect the majority of elements on the page. 

Screenshot of a user interface for adjusting global attributes. The title FAST is in blue, and the subtitle Change a few global attributes to adjust the overall look is in red. The section labeled Global contains four color swatches with corresponding hex codes and descriptions: a teal color with hex code #78aba8 for Headers, Titles; a light green color with hex code #c8cfa0 for Grays, Secondary; a light yellow color with hex code #fcdc94 for Body Text, Other; and an orange color with hex code #ef9c66 for Links, Anchors.
Global color customizations


The "Detailed" section gives you the ability to adjust every single element across the board. This advanced approach if for those of us have the time to customize each element on the page individually.

Screenshot of a user interface section titled DETAILED in blue, with the subtitle Further modify any individual elements in your blog. They will override any colors set in the FAST section above in pink. The section labeled Page is expanded and shows a color swatch with a hex code #d0e7d2 for Back Color. There is also a slider set to 700px for Width. Below are collapsible sections labeled Top Menu and Header.
Detailed color customizations

Tip: You can choose a ready-made flair and further customize its elements via the "Custom Modifications" section.

Further modifications

In addition, if these options do not suffice and you need to further modify a specific HTML element in your blog, you can head over to "Settings > Custom Code > CSS" and add your custom styles.


The "Fonts" section gives you the ability to change the fonts and their attributes (size and weight) of all text on your blog.

This section is divided into three parts:

  • The "Font Combinations" section, allows you to select any pre-made font pairs
  • The "Do It Yourself" section, gives you the ability to further change and modify the appearance of the content in your blog.
  • The "Detailed" section, gives you the ability to modify the line–height of the text on a single post/page.

Font Combinations

The "Font Combinations" section allows you to quickly select any of the ready-made font pairs.

Screenshot of a user interface showing six font pairings. Each pair is displayed in a box with the primary font name in a larger size and the secondary font name below it in a smaller size. The pairings are as follows: Montserrat with Albert Sans, Syne Bold with Red Hat Mono, Montagu Slab with Figtree, Epilogue with Cormorant, Playfair Display with Manrope, Fraunces with Plus Jakarta Sans.
Ready–made "Font Combinations"

Do It Yourself

The "Do It Yourself" section is divided into two parts:

  • Primary Typeface
  • Secondary Typeface

"Primary Typeface" fonts are usually titles and headers, with some themes stretching the rules.

"Secondary Typeface" fonts represent mostly all other text elements, such as the body content.

Adjustments on either "Primary Typeface" or "Secondary Typeface" affect the overall relative size of all textual elements of the given category (Primary or Secondary).

Also, if available for a given typeface, each font category can be set to its italic version.

Screenshot of a user interface for selecting the primary typeface. The interface includes sliders for adjusting base size set to 16px and base weight set to 700, an italic toggle button, and a dropdown menu for choosing the font. The dropdown is currently set to Aleo and lists other fonts like Rokkitt, BioRhyme, Kameron, Besley, and Hepta Slab. Tabs for font categories include Sans, Serif, Slab selected, Mono, and Hand.
Font settings for the Primary typeface


Through the "Detailed" section you can adjust the line–height of the body copy when visiting a single post/page. This is particularly helpful when selecting new fonts and needing to adjust the overall readability of your posts.


Various helpful tips when using the blogstatic DesignStudio .

  • Each adjustment is immediately saved and reflected on the preview mode of your blog (to the right side of the customizations panel), without needing to refresh the page.
  • When selecting any major changes, such as Flairs or Fonts Combinations, these changes are instant and the system warns you beforehand if you want to override any of your existing manually selected colors or font adjustments.
  • Switching between pages on your blog will keep your styles intact, without needing to save, as these are saved automatically after each interaction with the customization panel.