You can connect a domain you have purchased from a third–party like Cloudflare to your Squarespace website. Note that to successfully connect your domain to your website in Squarespace, your website must be under Trial or fully Paid.

In Squarespace

  1. Open the "Domains" Panel
  2. Click "Use a Domain I own"
  3. Enter the full domain you're connecting
  4. Click "Connect Domain"

In Cloudflare

  1. Go to the domain you are connecting to your Squarespace website — It needs to be the same domain you entered in Squarespace (directions under point 3, above).
  2. On the lefthand sidebar click on "DNS"

On the DNS records screen, enter the following records CNAME records:

Name: (Copy and paste the unique code under Host on the first line.)
Proxy: Off, DNS-only (gray cloud)
Name: www
Proxy On (orange cloud)

And enter all of the following A Records:

Type: A
Name: @
IP4 Address:
Type: A
Name: @
IP4 Address:
Type: A
Name: @
IP4 Address:
Type: A
Name: @
IP4 Address:


After you've entered all the records from above, technically speaking, it can take up to 48 hours for DNS records to take effect. However, if it's all set correctly and the domain was purchased in Cloudflare, changes should take effect immediately.

Also, make sure that under SSL/TLS in Cloudflare is set to "Full"

Angela F —

"I am moving our blog over from WP, and every time I do something with blogstatic, I love it more. This is a fantastic product, and customer support is stellar. Val is always so helpful, even when the fault is entirely mine. Highly recommend."

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